Natural Spirit!
To live in a natural way as it is possible is very important to me Ellinor IsaDeRoss Eklöf, today I live in a special way at The Oak Leaf center.
I will share some of my thoughts, what I do and how I do it, a lot of things that is about to live the life and how to deal whit it in smal movies.
Visions and messages from Mother Nature, the Creator and the Spirit World that I have recived during my life and other events that is at The Oak Leaf center
By sharing my own experiences, information I have received and receive directly from the source of knowledge and with innovative thoughts from ancient wisdom, I can give you inspiration, courage and belief that everything is possible
and that we can change exactly what we want.
Thank you for joining me, with light and love Ellinor IsaDeRoss Eklöf "White Eagle Feather". ❤️
Vi kör alkohol och drogfritt och under kurstid uppskattas helt avstängda mobiltelefoner.
18-års gräns gäller samtliga tjänster förutom musik och föreläsningar
Man deltar på eget personligt ansvar
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