Andlig vägledning  Rådgivning  spå dig i kaffesump spå dig, tarotkort Smärtlindring genom helande kraft  Råd om hur du kan hantera stress  Spirit Andlighet Föreläsningar  Meditativ avslappnande musik.

Reading in tarot deck or in coffee grounds!

Are you at a crossroads, do you have questions that need answers or do you have a decision to make, here you can get guidance and advice through the cards and something that many have heard about but few have tried is to be predicted in coffee grounds .. .

Here you get a reading from a holistic perspective of what has been, what is and what is to come and what is most important here and now.

40 minutes 700.00 SEK/pers. per time

Payment is made by invoice via Cool company.


In a channeling I tune into the spirit world, listen, observe and convey the information that comes, you can get messages from loved ones in the spirit world, it can also be information and advice on or from your guides if there is any question you have right now.

40 minutes 700.00 SEK/pers. per time

Payment is made by invoice via Cool company.

Conversation partner

In conversations, you get help to see your life situation from new perspectives, value and re-evaluate yourself and find your own inner self.

The first meeting one and a half hour 1200 SEK if more conversation

40 minutes 600.00 SEK/pers. per time

Payment is made by invoice via Cool company.

Since the beginning of the 90's have I Ellinor IsaDeRoss Eklöf been working as a guide, inspirer and motivator and with time as a lecturer, intuitive spiritual musician, drummer, balancing of physical and mental problems with the drum, stress coach, and writer etc