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Ethical guidelines

Ethical guidelines at The Oak Leaf center

The Oak Leaf center is a meeting place for creativity and learning where we assume everyone has

different levels of knowledge but the same value, whether you are a leader, instructor, mentor,

student, client, volunteer etc., the same ethical rules and policies apply for us all in the center.

Anyone who comes to The Oak Leaf center comes with a personal responsibility and intends to

follow the policy and ethical guidelines set at The Oak Leaf Center, to help build on the positive

and loving spirit, that prevails and gives each other space to grow.

The Oak Leaf center is a 100% drug-, and alcohol-free environment, should anyone is in the area be

or become under the influence of drugs or alcohol, unless proof of valid and active doctor's

prescription, he/she will be asked to leave the area with immediate effect, with no refunds.

The Oak Leaf has developed a policy with the intention to build a loving meeting place with a

positive spirit, so please apply with:

• In a positive spirit everyone is invited to visit The Oak Leaf Center to read the policy that prevails everyone without exception is aware, understands and accepts the current ethical rules and regulation swhich is valid.

• In a positive spirit, we at The Oak Leaf Center have the opportunity to choose how we express ourselves, with that opportunity we will respect other people's ability to do the same and a responsibility to not to unreasonably limit that possibility.

• In a positive spirit we show mutual respect for each other's values, differences, gender, race, sexualsimilarities and differences.

• In a positive spirit, we resolve conflicts with open communication and in acceptance for each other and if that does not work, we ask the management for help.

• In a positive spirit, everyone is urged not to use drugs at The Oak Leaf center so no one is there under the influence of alcohol or other drugs unless it is prescribed by the doctor.

• In a positive spirit, one should abstain from handcuffs, psychological harassment or in some way take advantage of someone else at The Oak Leaf center.

• In a positive spirit, everyone has the right to choose whether we want to participate in sexual intimacy and if sowe explore our sexual energies privately.

• In a positive spirit, we act with respect for those who work at The Oak Leaf center.

• In a positive spirit everyone is treated with integrity at The Oak Leaf center.

• In a positive spirit, anyone who visits or resides at The Oak Leaf Center accepts that adhere to the structure, keep the usual order of business and be disciplined enough to accept and respect the ethical guidelines and the current policy for a smooth flow at The Oak Leafcenter area unless they will be asked to leave the area with immediate effect.