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Seven days by the sacred fire!

Seven Saturdays with global energy work beside the sacred fire of the light and love to facilitate the energy shift we are in.

18 th of April  -  30 th of May , 2020

The Circle of Light and Love at the Sacred Fire is a healing energy work with dynamic drumming and toning a work by the open fire at The Oak Leaf center in Ekdalen, Sweden.

We are in a strong transition to a higher, stronger and brighter flow of energy than ever before and in a phase where feminine power is now taking its place.

At the same time, we are right now

in a time where we are not fully aware of what is happening. Many people have been affected by Corona in different ways and what we can do is facilitate the way we can.

To facilitate the transformation to the feminine higher spiritual frequencies, we will with help of drum and toning, vibrate frequencies of loving and light energies which are enhanced by fire and its smoke which causes the energies to expand into the universe in spirals and fold as a healing loving force over Mother Earth.

By the power of Mother Earth and in connection with the Creatorand the Star Sisters of the Pleiades, Alcyone, Maia, Asterope, Taygeta, Celaeho, Electra and Merope in that order, one of the sisters for each Saturday.

Brothers and sisters we welcome you to participate in the circle of light and love beside the sacred fire wherever you are in the world.

3 to 3.30 p.m. every Saturday until 30 May